Our Results
In less than a year, Powering Up has been phenomenally successful. Here's a snapshot of our progress so far:
- delivered both arms of our pilot in two different cities
- engaged more than 100 YP from the UK’s most deprived boroughs
- co-produced: project branding, tote bags, social media and media assets, an evolving research agenda
- increased clinician confidence in connecting social determinants to clinical presentations after learning first-hand about community needs, e.g. hardship in local schools
- engaged and presented early findings to health leaders in each city producing change in local care pathways
- begun to build connections across local primary care networks and secondary and tertiary child health services
Lightning Bolts
- Powering Up has energised YP and clinicians across the country.
- Powering Up gives ordinary people the power and the skills to be in the driving seat of their own lives while helping to bring others along with them. Powering Up is empowering YP and clinicians to become enablers and to support others which will ultimately decrease feelings of stuckness and reduce pressure on services
- We want to take this to the next level and believe that these ‘Lightning Bolts' can not only champion the project but also provide peer support to other YP and clinicians to spark widespread, sustainable change.
Spreading The Word
- Our work has managed to get and hold the attention of an entire generation of paediatricians. We have published in three successive issues of Milestones, the RCPCH magazine while becoming THE standout project at the college national conference. Powering Up is thus setting the standard for youth co-production across the profession.
- In short, Powering Up has been welcomed with open arms, and people want more!
- Publications
- BMJ articles x 2 (in press)
- Milestones articles x 3
- Podcasts
- Whose Shoes
- Health Foundation
- National Presentations