
Powering Up

The Team

Powering Up wants to close the gap between health services and the young people theyare meant to serve by putting young people and ordinary clinicians at the front and centreof radically reimagining healthcare.

Powering Up a Health Foundation-funded pilot project and interprofessional collaborationbetween WHAM, CANAL Project, and film and digital creatives One-to-One DevelopmentTrust.

By playing to each other's strengths we aim to explore how young people and clinicians in London and Birmingham could meaningfully be engaged and empowered to co-producingsolutions to health inequality through a process of creative co-design.

Creative Health

We have explicitly sought to test and learn from 2 different methods with a pilot acrosstwo cities. The innovative nature of this program is an attempt to shift the dial to aradical, new approach. We believe that by focusing on what matters most to patients andclinicians we can deliver better, more cost-effective and more sustainable care.

The use of creative methods - science methodology in Birmingham and arts methods inLondon - stimulates a different type of thinking and this in turn enables people to thinkcreatively around problems and find new and dynamic solutions to issues that haveexcluded people from services. Some of those people who are most affected byinequalities are from minority communities with different cultures and the work you aredoing helps to connect with them in a way that is sensitive to their creativity and buildsconfidence and improves communication.

For Young People, By Young People

Our superpower has been the agility and willingness to learn and grow. We alsopractice what we preach. Our values are curiosity, respect and love. We believethat if we are going to radically reimagine health, the change starts with us.

Powering Up is a diverse, interprofessional and intergenerational team. From dayone, Powering Up has been co-led by young people themselves, including ourProject Co-Ordinator. We also have a YP advisory team with whom we consult ondecisions, which means our agenda - including outcome measurements - is driven,led, and decided by YP. Whether it's their experience of the health system orinequality, the voices of young people have helped this project to go from strengthto strength.